- Presentation of the KCL project to the school community in Iruña /Pamplona  2015/11/18.

This event has been celebrated on  November 11, 2015 in the Condestable building of Iruña/Pamplona.

The main aim of this presentation was to communicate to the parents and teachers  the BLOK project. BLOK is the name of the project that NIE (Nafarroako ikastolen Elkartea) is implementing in the schools of his net for the developing of key competences. As it can see in the picture,  a part of that presentation was made by students that are taking part in that project. 

NIE & InIn:

Press conference for the start of KCl communication project in Iruña/Pamplona.   2016/01/14

-  Press dossier for the presentation of the KCL project ( Dossier de prensa para la presentación del projecto KCL.)

 - Article published in the newspaper "Diario de Noticias" on 2016/01/15-  Artículo publicado en el periódico "Diario de Noticias" el día 2016/01/15 

 - NIE:

Article published in the newspaper "Diario de Navarra" on 2016/01/24-  Artículo publicado en el periódico "Diario de Noticias" el día 2016/01/24
