1st Network of Education Policy Centers EPC Conference: conclusions and future work lines

Fecha de publicación: 19-abr-2016 10:32:56

After the Conference in Brussels we recieved this letter. We think it´s interesting to share it with you becouse it mentions our project and some of the futures work lines of Keyconet.

KeyCoNet was represented by 20 members who all joined in actively in the KeyCoNet meetings as well as shared workshops and plenary sessions with the other networks. Inclusive education was the overarching theme, and we had the opportunity to discuss the EU'S top priority issues concerning the migrant crisis and the implementation of the Paris Declaration from the different perspectives of our networks, including a focus on key competences, literacy, migrant education, and school leadership. A special thanks to members of the KeyCoNet  who presented, provided posters, or acted as moderators or rapporteurs. Everyone's contributions were appreciated,  we can all be proud of KeyCoNet's input to the conference. 

Moreover, as we heard, there is likely to be future work for KeyCoNet in some form or other, with the publication of the new Skills Agenda in June which will have as one of its concrete action points, the revision of the 8 key competences, which we will insist should not take place without some kind of review of the implementation of the original 8 in the Member States.

To remind those who attended and to inform those that didn't of our decisions taken concerning KeyCoNet's future:  the concrete actions KeyCoNet will take include:

1) Voluntary update of existing case studies and country overviews on the implementation of the key competence approach (countries who have already kindlycommitted to this and will be contacted individually include Malta, Ireland, Portugal, UK, JA-YE, and potentially Spain. 

2) New case studies and country overviews to be produced on a voluntary basis(Nafarroako Ikastolen Elkartea from Spain have kindly volunteered to write a new case study about the KeyCoLab project concerning key competences in primary education, and the Learning Community from Italy, will write a new case study about the TASK project, concerning the self-assessment of students' key competences. Again, others interested are kindly asked to contact me.)

3)  Discussion with the EC concerning KeyCoNet's involvement in the new Skills Agenda/Revision of the Key Competences work (to be instigated by KeyCoNet's coordinator, Caroline Kearney, who will follow-up with the network accordingly).