Nafarroako Ikastolen Elkartea:

Nafarroko Ikastolen Elkartea( is a private Teaching cooperative organization (Pamplona, Navarra), recognized by the Navarre’s Cooperative Law on 09-01-1978 and suited on 03-05-1994.

The aim of Nafarroako Ikastolen Elkartea (NIE) is to promote in an associative manner the ikastola’s model (school) and the Basque language and culture. It aims to provide comprehensive, quality education, in Basque, offering some services (economic, administrative, educational) legal advice and representation. Among its objectives the Association also seeks and organizes any other educational activity in any branch of knowledge or technical training, artistic, sports or other.

The Nafarroako Ikastolen Elkartea (NIE) has 15 associated Ikastolas (schools). It coordinates actions within the different school centers, including actions and training on school management. The Federation (NIE) represents the different schools and develops innovative projects in different fields, coordinating actions between its different school center members. Each ikastola is a school with educational autonomy. In the whole Navarre Ikastolas schools works around 600 professionals for a total of about 6,400 students. NIE is pioneers in projects related to teaching languages. Also NIE has developed the "Blok project" aimed to develop the key competences at school.

This video shows the astonishing landscape, people, culture (custom, music …) of Navarre: