ASOCIATIVA INVATATORILOR BANATENI (AIB:) The association has 133 members. Among its members there are primary school teachers that are teaching in different schools, trainers of trainers that who can develop activities in training programmes, as well as permanent staff. The association works in the education field.
Aims and objectives:
1. develop the organizational culture and increase AIB’s European visibility in the cultural and educational partnerships with local, national and European organizations, with the same program and similar or complementary interests
2. improve the quality of trainers by defining the standard competence profile
3. develop adult creativity and innovation capabilities
4. train teachers in different fields, including key competences integration at school curricula.
5. harness Banat’s multicultural and intercultural spirit by promoting tolerance and non-discriminatory attitudes regarding access to education and culture
6. integrate new technologies and methodologies in teacher training courses organized by AIB, CCDTimis or NOGs
7. professionally train AIB members in pedagogy and teaching through national and European mobility projects
8. promote the inclusive education classes taught by members of AIB by encouraging them to attend specific training courses, including European mobility projects
9. promote the role of cultural institutions or other bodies that constitute creative and innovative frameworks for non-formal and informal education and training